Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems and Control

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Katharine Banner
Assistant Professor

Website: [ VIEW ]

Department of Mathematical Sciences


Research: Bayesian statistics, multimodal inference, model selection



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Breschine Cummins
Assistant Professor

Website: [ VIEW ]
Department of Mathematical Sciences


Research: Dynamics on networks, mathematical modeling and simulations



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Scott McCalla
Associate Professor

Website: [ VIEW ]

Department of Mathematical Sciences


Research: Dynamical systems, pattern formation, partial differential equations



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John Smith, Jr.
Assistant Professor

Website: [ VIEW ]

Department of Mathematical Sciences


Research: Calibration, simulation, and inference of large-scale dynamical systems (especially those related to ecological applications), iterative near-term forecasting, Bayesian hierarchical modeling, application driven methodology, Gaussian process surrogate modeling and optimization.






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Will Hammond (PhD student)



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Heather Koyuk (MS student)



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Jacob Munson (MS student)



Not Pictured

Derek Jollie (BS student)
Aubrey Kimmel (PhD student)
Jacob Oram (PhD student)
David Steinberg (MS student)
Benjamin Vogel (PhD student)
Past Members