Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems and Control

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Chrisy Xiyu Du
Assistant Professor

Website: [VIEW]

Department of Mechanical Engineering




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June Zhang
Assistant Professor

Website: [ VIEW ]

Department of Electrical Engineering and Hawai'i Data Science Institute


Research: Data science, stochastic processes, statistical learning



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Frances Zhu
Research Assistant Professor

Website: [ VIEW ]

Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology


Research: Nonlinear dynamics, estimation, machine learning






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Hans Mertens (PhD student)



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Prajna Jandial (MS student)



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Sachin Shriwastav (PhD student)



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Gregory Snyder (PhD student)



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Honggen Zhang (PhD student)





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Sapphira Akins (BS student)




Not Pictured

Michelle Leano (BS student)
Past Members

Jeraldine Milla (BS student)
Zhuoyuan Song (Assistant Professor)
Hao Wang (Postdoctoral Scholar)