Inaugural Workshop: AI for Dynamic Systems

Full Schedule [PDF]

University of Washington, Seattle
March 16-17, 2022

Local Organizers
Steven L. Brunton (Mechanical Engineering)
J. Nathan Kutz (Applied Mathematics)


Wednesday, March 16, HUB LYCEUM
  • 8:30am Continental Breakfast

  • 9:00am Welcome and Introduction

  • 9:30am Greg Hyslop, Boeing Company

    Title: Solving Hard Problems to Change the World

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  • 10:30am Li Na, Harvard University [VIEW]

    Title: Scalable and Safe Learning-based Decision-Making in Dynamical Systems

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    • 11:30am Lunch

    • 1:30pm Shirley Ho, Flatiron Institute and NYU [VIEW]

      Title: Interpretable Learning in Physical Systems

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    • 2:30pm Hod Lipson, Columbia University [VIEW]

      Title: Automatic Discovery: From Cognitive Robotics to Particle Physics

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    • 4pm PANEL DISCUSSION: The Future of AI in Engineering

      Shirley Ho (Flatiron), Hod Lipson (Columbia), Li Na (Harvard), Jihui Yang (Washington), Guillermo Miranda (Boeing), Louis Terminello (PNNL), Nathan Baker (PNNL)


    Thursday March 17, HUB LYCEUM
    • 8:30am Continental Breakfast

    • 9:00am John Wright, Columbia University [VIEW]

      Title: Recent Directions in Nonconvexity: Methods, Landscapes and Learning Architectures

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    • 9:30am Krithika Manohar, Washington [VIEW]

      Title: Optimal Sensors for Empowering AI

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    • 10:00am Dominique Zosso, Montana State University [VIEW]

      Title: Graph-Based Geometric Data Analysis

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    • 10:30am Aditya Nair and Floris van Breugel, University of Nevada Reno [VIEW]

      Title: Leveraging Machine Learning to Discover Network-based Models and Bespoke Observers for Nonlinear Dynamics

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    • 11:00am Zhuoyuan Song, June Zhang, Frankie Zhu , University of Hawaii Manoa [VIEW]

      Title: Introducing our Colleagues in Hawaii: Updates and Open Challenges

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    • 1pm PANEL DISCUSSION: AI Education in the Engineering Sciences

      Nathan Kutz (Washington), Krithika Manohar (Washington), Frankie Zhu (Hawaii), Floris van Breugel (Nevada), Katie Banner (Montana State), Jodi Mead (Boise State)

    • 2:30pm Poster Session & Reception (South HUB Ballroom) [ POSTERS ]

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