Public TransportationTheBus, the Honolulu city bus stops on campus at Sinclair Circle and other nearby locations. Visit
TheBus for schedules, fare information, and trip planning.
Taxi/Lyft/UberThese are additional options for getting to/from your destinations while visiting.
Health & SafetyVisit UHM's
Department of Public Safety for the latest information on COVID-19 related policies and additional health and safety topics.
Accommodation RequestsWe are committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in services, programs, activities, and education for individuals with disabilities. Please submit any requests for accommodations at least 10 business days in advance.
Local AreaFor further trip planning such as local activities or places to eat, and to learn about O'ahu's history and traditions, explore UHM also offers a helpful, condensed listing for
Honolulu and also provides guidance on ways to help
recovery efforts from the recent wildfires fires on the island of Maui.
Campus MapsAn
interactive map of the UHM campus is available online.
ParkingFor parking locations and policies, visit
Commuter Services.
AI Institute Code of Conduct See policy